Docril has a very compact structure thanks to the number of threads per m2 and the quality of the fibers, it can block up to 90% of the sun’s UV rays.

incorporates the pigments inside the fiber molecules, obtaining an intrinsic, uniform, and long-lasting color. The resulting fabrics are hardly affected by UV rays, guaranteeing the persistence and brightness of the color brilliance over years of outdoor exposure. According to current standards, Docril holds the highest score, 7-8, on the blue scale.

Docril fabrics are suitable for exposure to the elements and for making solar protection systems due to compliance with the demanding EN13561 European standard required to obtain the CE marking for the entire set of materials that form an awning.

property gives a protective barrier to the fabric that allows it to be self-cleaning, facilitating its maintenance. This is thanks to its score of 6 in the Oil Test (the highest oil repellency score) combined with the score of 100 in the spray test (the highest water repellency rating). The effect of these two results means that splashes, dry spots, and spills can be easily cleaned with a clean cloth or a soft bristle brush.

Docril fabric presents the perfect balance between Docril fabric has the perfect balance to deliver the required consistency for the body without it being too heavy, ensuring the proper functioning of the assembly where the fabric is installed, such as in the awning hardware.

Docril fabrics have a water column resistance of 35 cm (amount of wáter that the fabric supports, accumulated vertically before it begins to filter and drip).

Docril fabrics facilitate the circulation of humidity and air, reducing the sensation of heat and at the same time offering a feeling of thermal protection when it is cooler.

Docril is not deformed by climatic changes or by rolling andunrolling during use.

With over 200 solid colors, textured colors and designs.