Climate change is a fast-growing threat to our world, with serious economic, social and environmental implications.
In order to confront this global problem, the Spanish Government has proposed the Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima 2021-2030 (the Comprehensive National Plan for Energy and the Climate, 2021-2030), aimed at the reduction of greenhouse gases, and the growth of renewable forms of energy and energy efficiency (IDAE*).
All people and companies have a social responsibility to raise awareness and work in this direction in our sector. Our goal as a company specialized in technical fabrics for the exterior is to maximize thermal insulation and counteract the direct consequences of climate change.
At Citel, we are concerned about the environment and committed to society, and we measure adverse effects to minimize it. We manage the reuse of water for textile finishes with systems for recycling and raw material waste, and we have opted to reduce smoke emissions, along with other commitments that have been adopted. We thus opted to reduce the emisión of smoke, among other commitments acquired.
In recent years, with the close collaboration of our raw material suppliers, we have reduced the amount of PFCs (PerFluorinated Compounds) in our fabrics to negligible values.
At Citel, due to our concern for the environment, we have decided to eliminate any risk. To do this, since the beginning of 2012, we have reduced the amount of PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) to below 20 ppb, a practically negligible amount of C8 and C6 fluorocarbons.
*Source: IDAE. The IDAE (Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy) is a public entity attached to the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition. Its mission is to contribute to the achievement of Spain’s objectives for improving energy efficiency, renewable energies and other low-carbon technologies.